Every day is another day

No other day did I feel, today is nothing like yesterday, and tomorrow will be entirely another day.
I was at the bottom of my soul just yesterday. I didn't fit to my work place. I didn't feel well. I'm a sick
man with disability, though it's temporary, and I'm going to be operated next Monday to be back to
live normal life, and this didn't cheer me up at all, as my day life was a mess.

See what I am today. I feel fine, as I talk frankly with my supervisor and it turned out to be fine—nothing to
worry about the prospect of the project before my admission to the hospital for the surgery, or after.
And when I got home, guess what I found out. Last week I received a cash back for FTTH provider I switched
last fall as we moved to our new house, $150. I got another $300 from them today, and that's not all.
The pension office refunds $165 for duplicate payment of my son's pension fund, so that's our money
from the first place, but the tax office processed my refund request as paid hefty hospital bills last
year to be redacted from my earnings last year resulting in $210 refund. That's $675 in total.