Entries from 2014-01-01 to 1 year


今世界中でもてはやされている「クラウド化」という事象の本質は、実はコストや労力といった経済的な側面、あるいは当初の視点であった(大量の)データがある場所の近くで処理するという技術的な側面にはない。 従来、リレーショナルデータベースはハードディ…

I now have Windows unicode direct input working

Wikipedia has the Unicode input - Wikipedia article, and I get it working, although I had to reboot my Home XP machine despite it says only need reboot on Windows 7 or later. So I can use correct hyphen in—em‐dash, or say “New York–Tokyo f…

Laugh may be a form of cry but I find cry is a form of joy

I get emotional when I feel not confined to my individual body but part of the world like, as when someone you know goes away, and when you realize you have something in common with other people.