Entries from 2011-11-01 to 1 month

Dear fellow human

Dear Fellow Humans,As a contemporary of yours, there is something I'd like to come across all of you. We are prosperous now in our own light although the prosperity is not evenly distributed, nor its continuance or its development assured.…

Tipping points other than pricing

Jailbreaking or rooting of popular devices like iSomething or Kindle Something is itself popular these days because the tipping point of price has been reached and passed. It does not take much to buy two of them and rooting or jailbreakin…

Why Chinese and Japanese called time of the day backward from 9 to 4

They started 6 in the morning and ended day with 6 in the evening. That much is no different from us modern Japanese. But from 6 in the morning they counted 5 (8am), 4 (10am), and then 9 (the noon). From 9 to 8 (2pm), 7 (4pm), and 6 in the…