To me Mar 2019

If you want a bargain smartphone product, go no other than OCN mobile one spring sale.
They sell popular product at a low price.

I feel like goofing off taking afternoon off after talking to the doctor about the operation in coming week, because I could've gone back to office for a couple of hours of work to get ahead with my work instead of tomorrow.
Maybe I'm at the verge of a nervous breakdown as I have been feeling like that for while. I can let go of my work duty, and it's hard to think without coming to think of what I have to do next to go ahead with the work, or what I have done poorly at the work that day or the day before. That makes my sleep poor and that makes me dull in turn.
In other words, I feel guilty when I'm not doing my work when there's still something I can do. Is this just I have a normal sense of responsibility, or, as I said, I'm on the verge of getting into a state of mind that is not healthy.
I have to be bold and survive this, overcoming the uneasiness, get used to living with a certain level of stress.