Entries from 2011-01-01 to 1 year

Dear fellow human

Dear Fellow Humans,As a contemporary of yours, there is something I'd like to come across all of you. We are prosperous now in our own light although the prosperity is not evenly distributed, nor its continuance or its development assured.…

Tipping points other than pricing

Jailbreaking or rooting of popular devices like iSomething or Kindle Something is itself popular these days because the tipping point of price has been reached and passed. It does not take much to buy two of them and rooting or jailbreakin…

Why Chinese and Japanese called time of the day backward from 9 to 4

They started 6 in the morning and ended day with 6 in the evening. That much is no different from us modern Japanese. But from 6 in the morning they counted 5 (8am), 4 (10am), and then 9 (the noon). From 9 to 8 (2pm), 7 (4pm), and 6 in the…

It takes three generation living on salary incomes.

A Nikkei Electronics editor-in-chief once wrote it takes two generation living in an industrialized area to be a good industrialist. I whole-hearted agreed to his view for I had exactly the same observation--just from the opposite viewpoin…

I just started using white-BB

It looks like providing the same performance as before for less price. And I can use the White-Call plan to call home from my cellphone for a fixed price as many time as possible for as much time as possible. Another finding is that macOS …

Goodbye Dennis Ritchie

The only programmer I accept. Now the world has no programmer what so ever.

I Could Be Wrong

could be a buffer in conversations I was lacking.

日本語でどうだろうか (9/1 thoughts)


RIP Steve Jobs

I bought the older (first) Macbook Air for it is unix after all, and they have started using Intel for sometime. These--not unix, not Intel--were the main reason I did't use (hate) Mac, although I loved Apple-II and Wozniak. Now that Steve…

I am not athiest

but I do share with them the belief that man is not the superb being.

absolute pitch survey

Apple "better" alternative to Microsoft

From Yomiuri

時間環境の崩壊生物学的文明論 (新潮新書)作者: 本川達雄出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2011/06/01メディア: 単行本購入: 1人 クリック: 56回この商品を含むブログ (19件) を見る

Pen Tablet

I got the Pen Tablet and the solid stainless watch band yesterday alright yesterday.

By far easier to draw than in M$ PP



Talkative people is not necessarily good at speeches.

Text people is sometime superb speaker.

What Google, Amazon, Apple share in common?

Oxford brand dictionary for their English dictionary.

Attention Glut

Like appetite for food, attention of each person has capacity limit.

Japanese is not shy.

They are not thinking in speeches, but in texts. I.e. they have graphical inclination in their going.

Podcast is my tobacco.

Speeches are also non-intrusive.

I just happened to notice my japanese amazon site started to display menus in English

I am fine with this, or rather prefer it. But why, or how this happened? Is there any setting or do they noticed I usually buy from their US site?

The drawing on the right side of the brain 読了

The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The 1999, 3rd Edition作者: Betty Edwards出版社/メーカー: Tarcher発売日: 1999/09/01メディア: ペーパーバック クリック: 2回この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る日本人は漢字と漫画で二重にnon-verbalな…

Kindle for PC 1.5.0 add all the dictionaries of international kindles

I just upgraded the Kindle for PC to 1.5.0, and noticed they added supports for all the dictionaries shipped with the Kindle, viz. Oxford English dictionary for UK kindle, and German dictionary for German Kindle, in addition to the Oxford …


I don't like having choices

Being the rare Nokia fun in Japan, to come up with something good about it. If you happened to use other's phone somewhere around the world, quite possibly it's Nokia, and in some foreign languages (although admittedly it should have Engli…


きょうびの どこにいっても モノまみれで ある。 百円ショップにいこうが、量販店にいこうが、モノに あふれかえって いる。 浜松鑑定団という この辺だと 大規模な「お宝グッズ」リサイクルショップに 子供が いきたいというので 久しぶりに いってみたが …


Putting your inquiries into appropriate English, and getting the result must be both challenging and fun.



